How to build an unbreakable writing habit…

Hello friend,

Spoiler alert… writing is awful (if you do it this like most people).

No one knows this about me.

But before I started writing on LinkedIn I had an anonymous personal finance twitter account.

It was called ‘Road to Financial Freedom’ (cheesy right).

I wrote two tweets a day for a few a weeks and stopped.

I relied on ChatGPT to write most of my stuff.

Yep… I was that guy using AI as a crutch (I hope you don't).

The reason it failed?

I never built a writing habit.

Writing every day has helped:

  • Clarify my thoughts

  • Write quality content quicker

  • Fill gaps where I lacked knowledge

At the start of my journey, it took me hours to write one post.

I would just stare at a blank page.

Hunched over my laptop.

Whilst being three cups of coffee deep by 7 am.

Totally frustrated.

Praying for it all to make sense.

It’s only been 60 days since then.

Now I can write a half decent post in 20 minutes.

I don’t claim to be Stephen King, but I'm proof that a writing habit will change your life in a short span of time.

Which makes me wonder how good will my writing get in a year from now if I keep writing daily (and yours)?

3 steps to build a writing habit:

1) Make time to Write

A few years ago, I stopped exercising and wanted to get back into it.

I started going to the gym after work.

The problem with this was I was always tired after work or a friend would wanna hang out.

So I decided to get my exercise in in the morning before the excuses could creep in.

With writing you can do the same.

Write in the mornings before life's uncertainties have a chance to stop you.

2) Insignificant Actions; Life Changing Outcomes

The problem where most people go wrong is that they commit to too big a challenge.

“I’m gonna run 10 miles everyday”

Sure thing man you do that.

Low and behold after 2 days they burn out…

Going from 0 to 100 is not the way to approach this.

You have to start small.

It can be as small as writing one singular word.

Most times you’ll sit down and write more than one word.

But this builds the habit and you add more as you go.

3) Hold yourself accountable

Have you ever seen a 30 day challenge video on YouTube?

9 times out of 10 they follow through.


Because the shame is unbearable. Especially with those internet trolls out there.

Mimic this with your writing.

I committed to posting everyday and told people I would.

Now, I doubt I’d get a load the internet trolls calling all kinds of names.

But it gave me the accountability I needed.

That’s all from me.

Much love,
