The quickest way to become an authority in your niche.

Writing value posts won’t make you an authority in your niche.


Because information is everywhere.

Anybody can google 10 copywriting hacks and repackage that into a neat LinkedIn format.

If you do this you basically become a search engine.

People may follow you but they don’t trust you.

As someone who wants to build a business - you’re not in it for the followers.

Don’t get me wrong I appreciate each and every one of my followers.

But it’s not the end goal.

So what do you need to become an authority?

You have to provide insight.

You have to show what you have done and what has or hasn’t worked for you.

This is more work in the short term, but will yield you infinitely better results in the long term.

This my plan to becoming the ultimate authority in my niche in 3 stages:

Quadruple down on skills:

This year I’ve spent $6,000 on improving my writing.

I spent it on a mentor, workshops, courses and books.

And now I’m handcopying every morning from people ahead of me and analysing their writing.

Continuous learning is the aim. Absorb as much information as humanly possible.

Straight to Implementing

There’s no point learning a skill if you’re not going to use it.

Learn and study from the best and actually put what you’ve learnt into practice.

This can be with yourself or clients you’re working with.

The quicker you can implement what you’ve done the better the skill etches into your subconscious.

Teach what you’ve learnt

Now you’ve learnt a skill, and proven it works.. you want to tell the world.

Write this this from your own perspective, “How I” instead of “How to”.

This builds authority.

Write case studies about clients you’ve helped and how you’ve helped them.

If you don’t have any clients, become your own case study.

If you rinse and repeat these steps you’ll become the ultimate authority.

That’s it for this week, thanks for reading.

Talk soon,
