How to really stand out in the eyes of your prospects

A marketing term which I often hear thrown around is ‘positioning’.

How do you position yourself in the market in relation to your ideal client.

How do you improve your positioning?

Yada yada yada…

And I have to be honest with you, when I first heard this term I was confused.

‘What does that mean?’

‘How do I do that?’

It sounds like a fancy term, and it’s quite often tossed about but very few people ACTUALLY understand what it really it means.

And even less understand how to improve your positioning.

Now, I don’t claim to be a marketing wiz.

But I have been to a couple of workshops on positioning lately.

And I’m gonna share with you everything I know.

So here goes…

You’ll often hear me bang on about your ICP’s pain point and desires.

And how you need to know these before you even think about writing content.

Well positioning, can be broken down into the following:

  • How well do you understand your prospects pain points

  • How well you understand how their pain points effect them

  • The undeniable client results you get

I believe you need to have all 3 working together to real nail your positioning.

Because you could have the best results in the world, but if you don’t know how to market these as an ideal solution for your prospects then you will struggle to sell.

And vice versa, without the undeniable social proof that the results get then you won’t stand out.

So let’s look at an example.

You’re trying to show off you’re super client results, how would you say it:

“I helped my client generate 15 leads in one month.”


“I helped my client generate 15 leads in one month which meant that their sales team stopped twidling their thumbs and were working round the clock.”

Which one seems more effective?

It’s the second.


Because the second highlights the pain of not getting enough leads.

This shows you understand what the lack of leads meant to their business, i.e. the sales team not having enough work to do.

This problem will change for each prospect, and what the pain point will mean to them.

So if you really want to stand out to your prospects, and reveal that you get their pain, you need to start doing more research.

Find out what REALLY tickles their biscuit.

Then you can use that to position yourself closer to their problem and show that you have undeniable proof you can get them results.

That’s all for this week.

Talk soon,
